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关于举办“和山控制论坛(34期)——Structured Feature Selection of Raman Spectroscopy based on Sparse Group LASSO”的通知

(阅读次数: 发布时间:2023年05月29日

报告题目:Structured Feature Selection of Raman Spectroscopy based on Sparse Group LASSO  



主讲人张寅升 教授


Group structures are common, e.g., gene co-expression in biology, multiple bio-marker existence in the same biochemical pathway, term co-occurrence in natural language patterns, etc. Due to its physio-chemical nature, Raman spectroscopy also possesses such structures, i.e., multiple peaks caused by the same chemical bond or functional group. These inherent structures indicate that the observed features should not be treated as mutually independent or uncorrelated. Therefore, we proposed a sparse group-LASSO feature selection (FS) algorithm augmented by a Raman peak assignment knowledgebase. The algorithm has an L1 penalty that ensures feature sparsity and a structured L2 penalty that favors group selection. In a cheese source identification case study, the proposed method has successfully selected group-structured Raman peak features, and the results are highly interpretable for the target task. Finally, we implemented the algorithm as open-sourced software to benefit the community. Peer re-searchers can also generalize this structured FS method to other spectroscopic profiling modalities.


上一条:关于举办“和山控制论坛(35期)——Global Localization in GNSS-free Environment: An End-to-end Approach”的通知

